Creature Feature at CIC

Set in 1938 on a radio soundstage, it's Creature Feature Radio Hour. As the show goes live from coast-to-coast for the first time to bring "The Wolfman of Mummy Island" to life before the audience's ears, the studio is intruded upon by a strange and malevolent extraterrestrial force with the ability to change shape. No one is safe, and everyone is a suspect. The cast may be killing each other, but "the show must go on!"

Directed by Mark Logsdon
Written by Jared Jeffries, Phil Meister, Mike Klasek, Morgan Lord
Featuring  Jared Jeffries, Phil Meister, Mike Klasek, Morgan Lord, Emma Pope, Brian Biancardi and Bill Stern

Stage Managed by Sarah Borer

Friday & Saturday, October 4th - November 2nd @ 8pm at Chemically Imbalanced Comedy