Originally posted on killallcomedy.com
To: editor@weeklyfreebie.net
From: dholliver@weeklyfreebie.net
Re: Feature Title
up that feature on the new comedy club downtown. Need title. Torn
between “No Laughing Matter” or “Seriously Funny.” Totally stuck.
To: dholliver@weeklyfreebie.net
From: editor@weeklyfreebie.net
Re: Feature Title
It's important to everybody on staff that we get this one right. We
can't have a repeat of the John Glenn traveling exhibit. We're going to
nail this one the first time.
Not sure how much help I can offer. Stuck myself...working on title for article about movies based on true stories.
Wrapping my head around this. Sounds like you think think these guys are funny, but they (paradoxically) take the business of comedy seriously. Have you considered "Funny Business"?
To: editor@weeklyfreebie.net
From: dholliver@weeklyfreebie.net
Re: Feature Title
Business! Golden! I was starting to get a little worried. Still reeling
from the John Glenn incident. Can't believe News4U beat us to "Out of
This World."
To: dholliver@weeklyfreebie.net
From: editor@weeklyfreebie.net
Re: Feature Title
“reeling”?! Eureka! For my the movie story --movies are shown on
“reels.” Based on stories that are “real.” Might be something there.
Will look into feasibility.
To: editor@weeklyfreebie.net
From: dholliver@weeklyfreebie.net
Re: Feature Title
minute nerves kicking in...one small concern with "Funny
Business"...too smart? Sure, you and I get it, but will Joe Sixpack?
To: dholliver@weeklyfreebie.net
From: editor@weeklyfreebie.net
Re: Feature Title
right. We can do better. Our readers deserve it. Forwarding this
message to my mentor from Journ school. Just finished his manuscript
about Cambodian genocide. He's a genius.
PS- Reel/Real thing was a dead end. Back to the drawing board.
To: editor@weeklyfreebie.net, dholliver@weeklyfreebie.net
From: sbell@brynmawr.edu
Re: Fwd: Feature Title
"Ph" instead of "F"?
To: editor@weeklyfreebie.net, sbell@brynmawr.edu
From: dholliver@weeklyfreebie.net
Re: Feature Title
Dr. Bell,
Business! Brilliant! Let's change the case of the letters for maximum
humor! "pHuNnY bUsiNesS!" I'm LOLing just thinking about it, (in an
informed way). Can't wait to see their faces at Snooze4U when that one
hits the stands.
To: dholliver@weeklyfreebie.net
From: editor@weeklyfreebie.net
Re: Feature Title
the CaSeS iDEa! Devastating news, though. We don't have clearance for
Comic Sans (or CoMiC saNS...can't get enough of this!).
to shelve the story until we can work it out with the layout guy. So
sorry. It's a tough business. Will buy you a drink after issue is out.
PS - We almost did it, didn't we?