KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCKKnock, Knock. Who's there? Hope. Hope who? Hopen the door. It's important! Knock, Knock. Who's there? Wayne . Wayne who? Wayne a minute, you don't know anybody named Hope. Knock, Knock. Who's there? Don. Don who? Don open the door for Hope! Wayne is right! This “Hope” person isn't who she claims to be! Knock, Knock Who's there? Hope. Hope who? Hope you don't listen to these guys! Don's got a gun! Ring, ring. Who's there? I'm Don. You're Don who? I'm Don playing games! This could get ugly. Stay on the phone and back away from the door. Bang, bang Who's there? Hope. Hope who? Hope's dead! I shot her! This is Wayne. Wayne who? Wayne Don wasn't looking, I took his gun. Who is this? Lemme Lemme who? Lemme guess. This won’t end, will it, Wayne? No. I'm Don. |